Five Important Building Safety Measures for a Two-Storey House

Moving into a two-storey home becomes a necessity as your family grows. However, it can be a little scary for parents who want to ensure safety for their little children at all times. People living with the elderly in the home may also be concerned about easy access.

Luckily, there are some important measures you can keep in mind and share with contractors as they are constructing your two-storey space to ensure privacy and safety.

  1. Modified Safe Stairs

Accessibility and safety go hand-in-hand, and the stairs in your two-storey home should follow this rule. Whether you have an elderly person in your home or little children, the stairs must be safe and easy to climb, reducing the chances of a fall.

When your contractor is working on the stairs, make sure to ask for anti-slip stair treads. The steps shouldn’t be too tall either, or it’ll be harder to climb up and down more often. Ensure the contractor installs a heavy handrail with all bolts tightened for support. Stairways often lack proper lighting, so focus on having lights installed on the wall beside the stairs as well.

  1. Safety Locks

The next important feature for 2 storey house building (known as สร้างบ้าน2ชั้น in Thai) is properly installed locks and latches. Since most modern and contemporary home designs are open concepts with large windows (often from floor to the ceiling in height), safety locks are essential. Inspect all locks after construction finishes.

If there’s a gallery, make sure it can be secured from children. Doors also need proper latches. If you have kids, you can ask the contractor to install child-safety locks on their bedrooms so they can’t move about at night. Make sure the window locks or meshwork is easy to cut into, in case there’s an emergency and rescue workers need a way in.

  1. Fastened Railings

Small open spaces between walls, pillars, and stairs are always a concern for parents, especially in new homes. However, your contractor can install proper iron railings that match your home’s aesthetic. If your child is a climber, you can have taller railings or ones with a flat surface installed.

  1. Clear and Straight Hallways

Although it won’t matter in your day-to-day life, planned-out straight hallways are a must-have for escaping a fire quickly, especially if there are bedrooms on the second floor. Make sure while picking the house design that there’s a straight path from every bedroom to either the front door or the backyard.

  1. Proper Lighting

The last important aspect of home safety is proper lighting. Make sure there are multiple LEDs installed everywhere, especially near the stairs, roof, and attic. Ask your contractor to fit extra light fixtures in the basement too.